domingo, 10 de enero de 2010


Dear Friends,
The Say NO Team would like to wish you a Happy New Year with our new Say NO desktop calendar that we will issue every month from now. We hope you like it and find it useful. Download it here:
Thank you once more for adding your voices to make ending violence a top priority for decision makers worldwide. We welcomed 2010 with more than 29,000 actions recorded on Say NO; actions that range from petitions for new laws to protect women and girls, to raising awareness through music and arts, engaging men, women and youth in community mobilization, Parliaments and International Trade Unions committing to take actions, and more. Check out the news and actions coming in on we need your voices more than ever. We still have a challenge to meet — the watchmaker Omega has pledged US$50,000 for the first 50,000 actions raised on Say NO. The money will go towards women’s organizations working on the ground to address the issue. We are asking for your help — spread the word, share the Say NO desktop calendar with people you know and ask them to join our global Say NO network. They can add their names to the global call for action or start an action page to showcase their activism on the issue.
Best wishes from the Say NO Team,Nanette BraunHead of Communications, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)PS: You can also follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook and watch our videos on YouTube!

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